GREEN HILLS uses a variety of products (such as liquid deicers) to help prevent ice from forming or sticking to your walkways and to melt it quickly, ice causes slip and fall injuries as well as car accidents.

It’s important to choose a product that will keep your roads as well as walkways clear, and we can help you find just the right ice melts for your property. There are many options to choose from, each with their own unique characteristics. For instance:

  • Liquid deicers quickly remove ice and can prevent ice from forming, but they’re not as effective on thick layers of built-up ice or snow pack.
  • Granular deicers can keep traction on roadways, and can help penetrate thicker layers of ice.
  • Sand can provide valuable traction, but it’s not able to melt snow or ice.

Whether it’s a brine solution or a chemical compound, we’ll identify the perfect de-icing solution for your property.

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